“The Most Important Period of Life Is Not the Age of University Studies, But the First One, the Period From Birth to the Age of Six” -Maria Montessori

Our classrooms provide an environment where the child is free to respond to their natural tendency to work. The child’s innate passion for learning is encouraged by giving them opportunities to engage in spontaneous, purposeful activities with the guidance of a professionally trained adult. Through their work, the child develops concentration and joyful self-discipline. The Montessori materials allow the child to progress at his/her own pace and rhythm, according to their individual capabilities. Our prepared environments include beauty, order, reality, simplicity, and accessibility.

Primary Spanish Full Immersion Program

Our Montessori Spanish Full Immersion Program provides a unique and enriching language learning experience for children in a Montessori classroom setting. Designed for children ages 3 to 6, this program aims to develop fluency and cultural awareness through a comprehensive immersion approach.

In our program, children are immersed in the Spanish language throughout their daily activities, interactions, and lessons. Our qualified and experienced Spanish-speaking teachers create a nurturing and supportive environment where children feel comfortable exploring and learning a new language.

Key Features of our Montessori Spanish Full Immersion Program:

  1. Language Immersion: The program follows a complete immersion model, where Spanish is the primary language of communication. Children are exposed to Spanish in all aspects of their daily routine, including circle time, lessons, conversations, and even during playtime.
  2. Montessori Philosophy: The program is rooted in the Montessori philosophy of education, which emphasizes hands-on, child-centered learning. Spanish language learning is integrated into the Montessori curriculum, allowing children to engage with language materials and activities in a purposeful and self-directed manner.
  3. Authentic Materials and Cultural Experiences: We provide a rich array of authentic Spanish materials, such as books, puzzles, cultural artifacts, and music, to immerse children in the language and culture. Cultural celebrations, traditions, and holidays from Spanish-speaking countries are also incorporated to broaden children’s understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.
  4. Language Development: Our program focuses on all aspects of language development, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Children develop their vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation skills through interactive conversations, storytelling, songs, rhymes, and language games.
  5. Individualized Instruction: Just like in a traditional Montessori classroom, our Spanish Full Immersion Program values individualized instruction. Teachers observe each child’s progress and tailor their teaching strategies to meet the needs and interests of every learner. This approach fosters a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
  6. Parent Involvement: We believe in the importance of parental involvement in a child’s language learning journey. We encourage parents to actively participate in their child’s learning experience by providing resources, suggested activities, and opportunities for family engagement in Spanish.
  7. Gradual Progression: The program is designed to accommodate children at different language proficiency levels. Whether they are beginners or have some prior exposure to Spanish, our curriculum ensures a gradual progression of language skills and concepts, building upon each child’s individual abilities.

Our Montessori Spanish Full Immersion Program offers children a unique opportunity to develop fluency in Spanish while benefiting from the holistic and child-centered approach of the Montessori method. Through this program, children not only gain proficiency in a second language but also develop a deep appreciation for cultural diversity and global perspective